Dr. Klaus Meier

Dr. Klaus Meier

Attorney-at-Law, partner

Phone: 0421 / 94 94 6 - 0
Fax: 0421 / 94 94 6 - 66
E-Mail: k.meier@bme-law.de

  • Practice Areas
    Drawing up Contracts, Project Financing, Renewable Energy Law

  • Foreign Languages

  • Curriculum
    Studied law at the Universities of Marburg and Bremen, degree in law (state exams)

    Winner of a scholarship from the German Society for the Advancement of Scientific Learning

    Numerous teaching and lecturing activities in civil law and commercial law

  • Functions and Memberships
    Since 2007: Chairman of the supervisory board Deutsche Windtechnik AG

    Since 2010: Scientific consultant of ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research

    Since 2012: Member of the supervisory board BLG AG

    Since 2013: Chairman of the Günter Grass Foundation Bremen
